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ScriptAPI commands

Commands created with the script API can be executed just like regular commands. Compared to modules, they are especially useful when a particular action is to be performed only once and not continuously.

Creating a command

script.registerCommand(options, callback)

Each command has to be registered with the client via the instance of the script. This is done using the registerCommand method. It creates a new instance of ScriptCommand and passes it to the callback function.
The following table describes the properties of the options object.

Property Description Type
name Name of the command. string
aliases Array containing alternative names for the command. array


    name: "testCommand",
    aliases: ["demoCommand", "exampleCommand"]
}, function(command) {


Handling execution

Commands have only one event: The execute event. It is called whenever the user executes the command using its name or one of its aliases. The execute event has to be registered with the client. The ScriptCommand class has a method for this purpose.

module.on("execute", callback)

Registers the use of an event with the client. List of arguments:

  • "execute", name of the only available event.
  • callback, function called whenever the event occurs. To it the arguments of the command executed are passed.


command.on("execute", function(args) {
    if (args.length > 1) {

Full example of a command

    name: "testCommand",
    aliases: ["demoCommand", "exampleCommand"]
}, function(command) {
    command.on("execute", function(args) {
        if (args.length > 1) {