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How to install LiquidBounce

This tutorial will show you how to install LiquidBounce. We assume that you have already installed Minecraft and are using the default launcher. If the latter is not the case, certain steps of this tutorial may need to be adjusted. Below you will additionally find a video, which also covers the described steps. So if you prefer to watching videos over reading long instructions, you are probably better off with it.

LiquidBounce is a Forge client. This means that the installation procedure is very similar to that of regular Forge mods. Below we will also cover how you can install OptiFine to improve Minecraft's performance and benefit from additional graphical features such as shaders.

Alternatively, you also have the option of using the LiquidLauncher, which was specially developed for LiquidBounce. It will take most of the steps described below off your hands. You can download it here.

Installing Forge

We start by installing Forge. It is recommended that you use the latest version. If you already have Forge installed, but are unsure if the version is still up to date, it is highly recommended to reinstall it to avoid problems. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install LiquidBounce for Minecraft 1.8.9 on Windows, but the steps are mostly the same for LiquidBounce 1.12.2.

Before we can install Forge we need to make sure that the corresponding Minecraft version is already installed. In our case, we will first open up the Minecraft launcher and run Minecraft 1.8.9. We can close it right after it finished loading and begin installing Forge.

We can download the installer from The installation process is very simple. Just download the appropriate installer for your operating system, run it and confirm the installation by clicking 'OK'. If no errors occurred, Forge was successfully installed.

Installing LiquidBounce

Now we can start installing LiquidBounce. But first we have to make sure there is a mods folder in the Minecraft installation folder. To do this, press Win + R on the keyboard, enter %appdata%/.minecraft in the window that appears and click 'OK'. The Minecraft installation folder should open. If you don't see a directory called 'mods' here, create it.

Download LiquidBounce from our website (press 'Manual Installation') now and extract the zip archive to your desktop. We only need the file named 'LiquidBounce1.8.9.jar'. We move this file into the mods folder we created in the previous step.

Installing OptiFine

Finally, we install OptiFine. This step is optional, but it is highly recommended to complete it to make using LiquidBounce more enjoyable. It is also easy and quick to install.

Visit and download the latest version for Minecraft 1.8.9 At the time of writing this tutorial it is OptiFine 1.8.9 HD U L5, but this may change in the future. After downloading OptiFine, place the Jar file next to LiquidBounce in the mods folder and the installation is complete!


If you've come this far, LiquidBounce should be successfully installed! All that remains is to restart the Minecraft launcher, select the profile created by Forge and start the game. If everything went according to plan, LiquidBounce's custom main menu should welcome you to the game.